Monday, April 16, 2018

Around and about with EOLC

Twice recently I've been asked to share my illustrated talk on "From Prostate Cancer to Voluntary Euthanasia" and I've received a very good hearing. A local U3A group was more mixed in opinion and support than the rather progressive Sea of Faith Community of Auckland. The latter's position on issues of faith naturally made them somewhat more responsive to my concern for Choice. At both venues, it was quite a lot of fun to share this light-hearted presentation. 

Then yesterday I enjoyed a stimulating conversation with Prof. Phillipa Malpas of Auckland University; we had agreed on a number of questions that she put to me and I was free to ramble in my accustomed style. The audience was the occasional meeting of the Auckland End-of-Life group so anything I could contribute might have been seen as a bit surplus to the hard study they've already been doing. 

But many said afterwards that the personal implications of cancer came out in unexpected ways in my story. They appreciated some honest and forthcoming comments in areas that are usually tiptoed around. Most responded positively to honest and integrity. Many who spoke to me afterwards had personal concerns in the area I covered. It was at once an energising and humbling experience.

And the Leaf got us over to Roskill and back without a top-up charge along the way! We are loving it.

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