Friday, February 9, 2018

Image result for parliamentary bill nz

After three or four weeks on a "Come back New" cruise which left me with a very bad chill I am still only on half-steam and trying to get a start on my submission to the Justice Committee on the David Seymour End of Life Choice Bill.

One of the things that I really admire in some of the jurisdictions which have put in place some form of physician assisted dying is that they permit the prescription to be written in advance of when it may be used. The patient then has the certainty of knowing that they have the opportunity of initiating a peaceful death. But the evidence is that up to half of them do not fill the prescription.

The sense of comfort and certainty in this process really appeals to me. I can understand how one might sleep better and handle the pain better knowing that an ultimate solution is already in place if it is wanted. 

I am wondering if we can get something along these lines written into the proposed bill.  It seems a few fairly simple alterations would make this possible. I'm no drafter of law, but does this principle make sense to others?

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