Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Bits and Pieces

Since Vodafone disinherited my long-standing email address this blogger has been struggling to get on line again...

Meanwhile, we had a great two weeks away with family in Upper Hutt and Blenheim and enjoyed World of Wearable Art in Wellington. Since we got home the TV has blown up and we have let the Forester go and are settling down to life with the five year old Nissan Leaf which is a great pleasure to drive as well as a useful contribution to the environment - and, let's face it, extravagantly cheap to run.

I've had another monthly test result and my PSA is steady at 57 or so and I am having no major side effects with Abiraterone so it seems to be doing what it is supposed to. Off to Med Onc again in a few days... Nothing is forever, but for now, our quality of life is pretty good and I am applying myself to some useful projects - helping one of our residents to get access to an online audience about her remarkable experience with treating Parkinson's Disease... tidying up an inventory of stuff owned (or thought to be owned!) by our Residents' Committee... planning more writing on End of Life Choice - now that a new Parliament is (almost!) in place and David Seymour's Bill will have its first reading next year...

I see my post of 12 September was a bit critical of Simon "Turkey" O'Connor and the report of his earnest but fatally flawed Parliamentary Health Committee. To not make a distinction between suicide and voluntary euthanasia is unbelievable. What a waste of time and effort. I was very gentle compared with what some others are saying about O'Connor - one person even suggested this lack of intellectual integrity presages the end of his parliamentary career. However, it does not necessarily follow that his Committee will be designated to consider the Bill if it passes the first reading. One would hope for a better, fairer hearing next time - even we all have to do make our submissions again.

1 comment:

  1. Any thoughts about my coming to the Hibiscus Coast RV to open discussion about the EOLC Advance Directive? Should I send a letter suggesting this to someone at your place?
