This seemingly unjust situation has arisen partly because
the Government’s Kiwi Saver scheme was required to replace the Church Fund. So this was no longer topped up from ongoing subscriptions as might have been expected.
But there were also more significant changes. First, the
Government insisted that the Church’s Supernumerary Fund be put into the hands
of a specialist company. It failed to serve the Church well. Then the Government
allowed the Church to take back control of its own fund. Through these
messy arrangements, substantial capital was lost.
Now a special Committee has been charged by the Conference
to find a means of building up the capital again. A logical place for them to
look might be the “PAC Endowment” which is open to receive suggestions from anyone in
the Church.
Before people start to quibble over the use of PAC funds, the Church could reflect on how this huge fund was created. It came from the long term lease of the Prince Albert College property in
Auckland – including but much more than the lovely old terrace shops at the top of
Queen St.
Prince Albert College was originally built, on this land which was granted to the Wesleyan Mission in the 1830s for educational work . The school was to provide
education for the children of Wesleyan missionaries throughout the Pacific.
Instead of having to leave the Mission field to provide schooling for their
children in England the missionaries would be able to remain in their chosen work and
have their children well educated in the Pacific.
And who paid for this imaginative and costly enterprise? The Missionaries themselves. The Ministers
of the time contributed to raise the capital fund that began Prince Albert
College. It was to be for their children. They put in the original ten pound shares.
Given this background, it might be seen to be appropriate to transfer some money from the PAC Endowment to ensure that today’s retired clergy
and widowed partners receive a pension of which the Church can be proud.
Ministers sowed the seeds of that fund in 1836 out of their own pockets. Let
the present retirees enjoy a little of the vast harvest of property inflation 180
years later.
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