We had a blast at the combined birthday party yesterday. There was a great crowd, the Village facilities were excellent, and the conversations, informal and formal were fun but also very moving. Indeed, after some of the things that were said about us I felt that we must have died and were listening to tributes at our funerals!
Actually, I've been to quite a few funerals where people have commented that it was a pity that the deceased couldn't have heard the tributes. In a sense, yesterday, Bev and I were very touchingly given an opportunity of that kind. It was a pretty special time.
After most of the folk had gone we had a a gorgeous roast dinner for about twenty family in the Village restaurant. Today the new great-grandson departed for Blenheim and the grand-daughter from Sydney was taken to the airport and Bev's family flew back to Wellington, we're catching our breath at home. What a weekend!
12th May
It's all go around here. A bit of a get-together next Friday for our joint 80th birthdays is turning into a major event with the Village catering team turning on a generous afternoon tea for 80. 80 people for an 80th celebration has a nice ring to it. Of course our barbershop chorus will be along for a sing. And there'll be slides and reminiscences from all over the place. Afterwards we'll have an evening meal here at the Village for the closer family. It promises to be quite a day.
We're also resurrecting our original Murder Mystery for a Village evening a few days later. Having not done this one for a couple of years and having a computer or two go down in that time, has made it quite a lot of work to put the show together again. But a stunning menu has been posted on the Village notice boards and the 70 or so available seats have been booked out for some time. All ten suspects have got their background material by now and I think they're looking forward to a lot of fun.
I keep on doing things that we thought I would never do again. Or, indeed, never at all - we never figured I'd make it to the first great grand-child or that he'd be coming to an 80th birthday party. Fantastic. My PSA isn't behaving itself lately but we're getting on enjoying life with some great bush walks, some really enjoyable singing as the Chorus becomes a little more proficient, and lots of interesting things to do.
But it was a very early start this morning and I think I will take an unaccustomed Nana nap while Bev is away at indoor bowls...
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