Ann drew the short straw for Anzac Sunday. When she found out about it she quite vigorously refused, but later, being Ann, she said she would do it.
She led us through her Canadian background of Remembrance Day and spoke feelingly of her parents’ antipathy to war, her mother’s Mennonite background, and her own protest about the Vietnam war.
Then, using three well-known poems often quoted at this kind of time, she brought us, through her own research on Anzac Day and Ephesians 6 (the armour of God) to realities of our time and situation.
We had a great sing and there was time for sharing personal reflections and memories afterwards. The prize went to Margaret Lange who said that the bugler was unable to play the Last Post properly because he noticed that one of the veterans on parade had slipped a half-smoked cigarette into his pocket without properly extinguishing it and smoke was coming out of his trousers.
Ann had given me her notes in advance and I was able to illustrate her points with some visuals that (some said later) added greatly to the impact of her words. It was a memorable service and greatly appreciated by the congregation. We are fortunate to have lay worship leaders of this level of ability and her depth of passion. Thank you, Ann, for a worthy remembrance and stimulating worship.
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