We rolled up at Med. Onc. with a large list of reports
and queries this morning.
We had an excellent consultation and fairly easily
reached agreement that—
Blood Pressure is excellent, better than
self-checks at home
The Scintogram and CT Scan reports suggest intensification
of existing cancer in L5/L4 rather than extension to other bone or soft
structures as it appeared at first glance
An MRI is booked and is still needed, both for
Prostate Cancer, a possible spot on my Hippocampus(?) and any possible Ca Pros link
with the right ear problem
My levels of blood sugar now justify diabetic medication
under GP, at least while on Abiraterone
which is known to elevate blood sugar levels
Although the results from Abiraterone/Zytiga are not
outstanding and even a bit disappointing, it seems to have no serious side effects and will continue for the
time being
Recent back and leg pain is probably caused by
the cancer in L4/5 and may well respond to further targeted radiation which will
be put in place
Recent problems of balance, vertigo, etc have no clear origin—ear, old age, medications—discuss
with GP
Occasional problems of low mood—discuss with GP
for possible adjustment of Venlafaxine, dose previously reduced for some months
Decision to withdraw from Village Minibus driver
roster and active Community Patrol was agreed to be appropriate in the light of
balance problems